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Pike & Lustig, LLP. We see solutions where others see problems.

Tag Archives: West Palm Beach Copyright Lawyers

Instagram, Food Porn, and Copyright Law

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

A German court has recently decided that taking photographs of your meal, a practice often referred to as food porn, may run afoul of a chef’s copyright in the food’s artistic arrangement. While that decision does not have a lot of practical impact on people stateside, looking at a similar situation under American copyright… Read More »

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Justin Bieber and Copyright Law

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

A recent federal court decision demonstrates that even musical superstars are not beyond the reach of federal copyright law. A federal appeals court revived a lawsuit against Justin Bieber and Usher for allegedly copying a song Bieber released in 2010 “Somebody to Love.” Importantly, this decision does not mean that Bieber and Usher were… Read More »

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Copyright and Characters: When Fictional People Take on Lives of Their Own

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

Most people know that there is some type of legal protection for creative works like books, music, or movies, but the contours and limits of that copyright protection are a little murkier. For instance, one often litigated area of copyright law is how it applies to characters from creative works. For instance, when J.K…. Read More »

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Copyright in the Social Media World

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

People often think of copyright as a tool reserved for artists and writers, as something that only protects books or music or movies. However, the reality is that copyright protection applies to much more than that. According to the statute, copyright law protects “original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression.”… Read More »

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Florida Law Places New Requirements on Internet Businesses

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

Online piracy of music and other media has been a problem that the internet has been trying to cope with for years now. A new Florida law is attempting to make piracy easier for content owners to respond to. The law, known as the True Origin of Digital Goods Act, was signed into law… Read More »

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Tattoo Artists and Copyrights

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

Although tattooing has been around for a long time, it has recently become a more mainstream form of art. In fact, a recent poll shows that over one in five American adults now has a tattoo. As with any burgeoning industry, the law is now struggling to accommodate it. For tattoo artists, one of… Read More »

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Don’t Scuff the Copyright: Federal Court Extends Intellectual Property Protection to Flooring

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

When trying to come up with things that copyright law protects, most people think about works like art, music, or movies. However, it turns out that copyright law protects much more than that. A recent ruling by the 11th Circuit, the federal appeals court covering Florida, highlights the surprisingly broad reach of copyright law…. Read More »

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Copyright Law as a Solution to Revenge Porn

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

Updating the law tends to be a slow, laborious process that often takes years. This can be a problem when the law attempts to govern advances in technology, which can happen at a much faster pace. Such a problem has arisen in the area of revenge porn. Revenge porn is a recent phenomenon that… Read More »

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The Basics of Music Copyright

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

Music copyright is one of the most common ways for people to interact with the intellectual property system. It affects many different services that people use all the time, such as Pandora, YouTube, and Netflix. It even appears in the news, such as the recent multimillion dollar judgment against Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams… Read More »

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A Copyright Law Blog Post about How Copyright Law Affects Blog Posts

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

With the maturation of the internet, more and more people are putting their own copyrighted work out into the world. People write stories, post pictures, and upload videos online, and that can make the legal landscape of online content both varied and complex. Bloggers in particular should be aware of copyright for two reasons…. Read More »

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