What to Do If Your Miami Business is Facing RICO Charges

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO Act) is an increasingly important issue in the realm of business law. While the RICO Act is often associated in popular culture with criminal charges, your Florida business could also face a civil RICO lawsuit. If found liable for a civil violation under the RICO Act, your company could be held financially liable for treble damages. This is a notoriously complex law; as such, companies that are facing a RICO lawsuit need to seek assistance from a qualified Miami RICO claims attorney as soon as possible.
How a Miami RICO Act Defense Lawyer Will Help You Protect the Rights of Your Business
- Comprehensive Investigation
If your company is facing civil RICO charges, you need to get an attorney by your side who can conduct a thorough investigation of the circumstances surrounding the claim. RICO cases are highly fact-intensive. As such, it is imperative that you begin an investigation into the claim as early on in the process as is possible. With the full view of the evidence in hand, your lawyer will be able to assess the case and determine exactly what needs to be done to protect the legal rights and interests of your business.
- Motion to Dismiss the Case
Far too frequently, plaintiffs file civil RICO claims against businesses without actually having just cause to do so. For a RICO claim to move forward, it must be properly pleaded by the plaintiff. If the plaintiff fails to present sufficient facts to sustain the case, the claim should not move forward and should be immediately dropped. In most civil RICO Act cases, the defendant’s attorney will draft a motion to dismiss, seeking to get the case thrown out of court early on in the process. If the plaintiff cannot sufficiently plead every required element under the RICO Act, then the claim must be dismissed.
- Aggressive Legal Defense
If the civil RICO claim cannot be dismissed on its face, then your attorney will work to build an aggressive, compelling legal defense on behalf of your business. Using the discovery process, your lawyer will proactively work to undermine the plaintiff’s claim. As was mentioned previously, ‘treble damages’ are available in RICO cases. The potential for increased compensation strongly incentivizes plaintiffs to bring RICO civil claims. It is imperative that you work with a lawyer who can protect your business for an unjustified RICO Act lawsuit. If your business is held financially liable under the RICO Act, it could be impossible to recover.
Contact Our Florida Civil RICO Attorneys Today
At Pike & Lustig, LLP, we have extensive experience handling all aspects of Florida civil RICO cases. Our top-rated RICO claims lawyers have represented both plaintiffs and defendants. To find out what we can do for you and your business, please call our Miami office today at 305-985-5281 to request a free initial legal consultation. Our law firm also has an office located in West Palm Beach, from which we represent clients throughout South Florida.