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Category Archives: Personal Injury

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Did You Get Fooled Into Signing a Blanket Medical Authorization?

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

Let’s say that you are injured in an accident, and you think about getting a personal injury attorney. But your case, to you, seems easy. Why get an attorney when you can do it yourself? So you go that route. The insurance company on the other side asks you to sign a medical authorization… Read More »

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So You Have a Herniated Disc-But What is That?

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

Many people in car accidents who suffer back injuries, will suffer what the doctor tells them is a herniated disc. Most of us have heard this term before, whether we’ve had a herniated disc injury or not. And most of us also know that a herniated disc is considered to be a serious injury…. Read More »

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West Palm Beach Business Litigation Attorney 2023-01-26 16-48-30

Lying in Court Can Get Parties in Trouble

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

If you are filing a personal injury lawsuit, you may be concerned that the Defendant that you are suing, may just lie. After all, who will ever know the difference? A Defendant that is seeking to avoid paying a lot of money may easily tell a lie, and you may be wondering what is… Read More »

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You Can Be Awarded Punitive Damages Against Drunk Drivers

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

In personal injury cases, Florida law makes it very hard to get punitive damages against liable Defendants. There are a number of hurdles to get punitive damages. Punitive Damages in Normal Cases The first hurdle is that you can’t even ask for punitive damages, when you first file your case. Rather, you have to… Read More »

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Understanding Florida’s Impact Rule

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

You may already be aware that if you are in an accident caused by someone else’s carelessness or negligence, that you can recover for emotional damages, as well as your physical damages. So, for example, if you have constant and chronic pain, and that pain causes you sadness or anxiety or depression, those emotional… Read More »

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Airport Accidents and Injuries: Who is Responsible?

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

We probably don’t think of airports as being dangerous places, or places where a lot of accidents or injuries occur. But when you step back and look at it, it’s actually quite a wonder why there aren’t more accidents in airports. Airports are the perfect recipe for disaster. People are in a hurry, and… Read More »

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One Hospitalized After Hit-And-Run Scooter Accident In Miami-Dade County

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

According to a report from 7 News Miami, local law enforcement officers are currently investigating a hit-and-run crash in South Florida. The accident—which involved a person on a scooter being struck by a vehicle—is a hit-and-run crash. The victim was hospitalized with serious injuries. Here, our Miami personal injury attorney explains what we know… Read More »

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The Use Of Inferences In Personal Injury Cases

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

You may have grown up with your parents telling you not to assume things, and that when you make assumptions, you are more often than not wrong. But in law, we actually make assumptions all the time—in fact, asking a jury to make assumptions is an important part of many personal injury cases. They’re… Read More »

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Why Do We Need Class Action Lawsuits?

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

We often hear in the news about class action lawsuits, especially when they result in what appears to be extraordinarily large jury verdicts. Many in the media are critical of class actions, but those same people are often not aware of the role and purpose of a class action lawsuit. What is a Class… Read More »

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Do You Need To Suffer A Serious Injury To Get Compensation After Your Accident?

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

When people are in accidents, some get very seriously and catastrophically injured, and others do not. Some may only get slightly injured, or suffer an injury that isn’t considered to be serious or life altering. That raises the question over whether someone can sue for injuries sustained in an accident, if they have suffered… Read More »

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Should You Accept Money Offered At The Scene Of An Accident By The Other Driver?

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

Let’s say you are in a car accident. At the scene of the accident the other driver, who caused the accident, offers you money to make the case go away. That is, the other driver wants you to take the money, and agree not to report the accident-to the insurance company or to the… Read More »

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West Palm Beach Business Litigation Attorney 2023-01-26 16-48-30

How Does An Attorney Decide Whether Or Not To Represent You In Your Injury Case?

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

When you bring your injury case to a personal injury attorney, it is up to the attorney to decide whether or not to take and handle your case. Like any kind of legal case, some cases are good or strong, and some are more difficult. The factors that an attorney considers when deciding whether… Read More »

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West Palm Beach Business Litigation Attorney 2023-01-26 16-49-13

Understanding Bystander Liability And Good Samaritan Laws

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

If you were at risk, or needed immediate help, you would like to believe that others would come rushing to your aid. But would they be…and if they weren’t, and they didn’t help or save you, could you sue? No Bystander Liability There is actually no law that requires that anybody come to anybody… Read More »

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Childbirth Is Safe, But Malpractice Does Happen

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

In today’s day and age, childbirth is a relatively safe practice. So safe, in fact, that it’s easy to forget how dangerous that the childbirth process actually would be, if not for modern technology, and the acquired skill of doctors in that field. But errors in childbirth do happen, and when they do, the… Read More »

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The Role Of Life Care Planning In Serious And Catastrophic Injury Cases

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

Can you see the future? Probably not, although it would be a useful skill to have. One area where it would be useful, is in evaluating the level and extent of damages going into the future for someone who is catastrophically injured, especially someone who is injured at a relatively young age. Looking Into… Read More »

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West Palm Beach Business Litigation Attorney 2023-01-26 16-49-13

Surprising Nursing Home Care Statistics

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

You may already know that the conditions in many South Florida nursing homes are poor, and ripe for abuse or neglect of our elderly and infirm population. But often, it takes statistics to really bring home the reality of how dire the situation is. Here are some pretty frightening and concerning facts about nursing… Read More »

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Ambien Side Effects May Include Car Accidents

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

When we think of liability for defective drugs, we often think of negative effects of the drug itself; that is, the drug causes cancer, or gets someone ill. But as recent lawsuits against prescription drug Ambien show, drug liability can come in a number of forms. What is Ambien? Ambien is a drug that… Read More »

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Humans Still Run, And Make Mistakes In, Amusement Parks

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

Amusement park rides come in all shapes and sizes, and the parks they are located at or in, can be temporary or permanent. And while maintenance and physics play a large role in how safe amusement park rides are, there is still one factor that is the most important of all, and it is… Read More »

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West Palm Beach Business Litigation Attorney 2023-01-26 16-48-30

Dangers Of Getting Manicures And Pedicures

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

For many people a day at the nail salon is a day of relaxation. Getting pampered, and getting nails done, is a bit of self indulgence that we all deserve. But the seemingly innocuous act of getting manicures or pedicures, can actually have serious consequences. Small Wounds–At First What is so alarming about injuries… Read More »

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What Is Informed Consent?

By Michael Pike and Daniel Lustig |

You may notice that when you go to a doctors office, or have a procedure or a surgery, that one of the papers that the doctor gives to you is what is known as informed consent. It seemingly lists a host of outcomes, or medical possibilities—and can even be a bit scary, when it… Read More »

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